Hannah & Tim

Serving Marginalised Communities in Brazil and South Sudan

Hannah & Tim
We support Hannah and Tim and their work for Latin Link in Brazil.
Do you work in Brazil or South Sudan?
Both! We live in Brazil but make visits to South Sudan every year. God has given us a heart and long-term vision for both countries.
Where do you live in Brazil?
We live in Custódia, 5hrs inland from Recife in Northeast Brazil's semi-arid sertão region. We work with the Betel Brasileiro denomination with a focus on outreach to quilombolas in Sabá and Cardoso, parts of the Serra da Torre quilombo.
Who are quilombolas again?
Quilombola communities are predominantly Afro-Brazilian communities formed as an act of resistance to slavery and racist oppression, often hundreds of years ago. It is estimated that there are over 5,000 quilombola communities in Brazil. Quilombolas are considered an “unreached people group” in Brazil.